Please note: this event has passed
Co-hosted by the Centre for Global Mental Health and King’s Global Health Institute
2019 marks the 10 year anniversary of the Centre for Global Mental Health. During the past decade, mental health has gradually risen up the global health agenda, attracting greater attention from the public and policymakers alike.
In many contexts, psychotic symptoms are seen as the archetype of mental illness. In contrast, many of the recent high-profile mental health initiatives have focussed on the most prevalent problems – that is, common mental disorders such as depression and anxiety.
Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders are relatively rare in comparison, but can be severely disabling and are often highly stigmatised, leading to social exclusion and – in some cases – human rights violations. This event brings together leading mental health researchers from around the world to debate the place of psychosis in the global mental health agenda, and the role of global research in understanding psychosis and reducing the burden of psychotic disorders. It provides an opportunity to take stock of priorities in global mental health, as well as to discuss the latest findings from cross-cultural studies of psychosis.
Join us afterwards for a drinks reception, to continue these discussions more informally and meet others with shared interests.
This event is free and open to all to attend.
Moderator: Prof Ricardo Araya (IoPPN)
Prof. Oye Gureje (University of Ibadan)
Dr. Rangaswamy Thara (Schizophrenia Research Foundation)
Prof. Gerard Hutchinson (University of the West Indies)
Dr Ursula Read (Department of Global Health and Social Medicine, King’s College London)
Prof. Jonathan Burns (University of Exeter)
Prof. Diana Rose (IoPPN)
Dr. Alex Cohen (Harvard School of Public Health)
Prof. Graham Thornicroft (IoPPN)
Prof. Martin Prince (King's Global Health Institute)
5.30 – 5.35: Welcome by Ricardo Araya
5.35 – 5.40: Introductions
5.40 – 6.30: Panel discussion
6.30 – 6.55: Questions from attendees
6.55 – 7.00: Closing remarks by moderator
7.00 onwards: Drinks and networking
Event details
IoPPN Wolfson Lecture TheatreInstitute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience (IoPPN)
IoPPN, 16 De Crespigny Park, London SE5 8AB