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Please note: This event is reserved for KCL faculty and students only

Event Description:

Unveiling the 2024 Security & Defence Report: China and Russia

We are honored to present the culmination of rigorous research and analysis by Mr. Masafumi Iida, a distinguished author from the National Institute for Defence Studies (NIDS), Japan. This groundbreaking report, dedicated to unraveling the evolving security landscape, meticulously examines the roles and strategies of two global powers: China and Russia.

Within its pages lie a comprehensive assessment of the geopolitical dynamics, strategic maneuvers, and military advancements shaping the contemporary world order. Mr. Iida delves into the multifaceted dimensions of China and Russia's military capabilities, foreign policies, and their impact on regional and global security.

The report scrutinizes the geopolitical ambitions, economic prowess, and technological innovations fueling China's ascendancy. From the Belt and Road Initiative to its burgeoning military modernization, every facet of China's strategic trajectory is unveiled with acute precision.

Simultaneously, the report navigates the complex geopolitical chessboard orchestrated by Russia. Through astute analysis, it explores Russia's geopolitical aspirations, hybrid warfare tactics, and its place in the modern security paradigm.

This report transcends borders, serving as an invaluable resource for policymakers, scholars, and all those concerned with understanding the global security panorama. Mr. Masafumi Iida's expertise and dedication shine through in this illuminating assessment, inviting readers to comprehend the intricacies defining the geopolitical future.

Join us as we embark on an insightful journey through the nexus of global security with the launch of Mr. Iida's landmark report on China and Russia's evolving roles in the 2024 security and defence landscape.

About the speakers:

Mr. IIDA Masafumi

Head, America, Europe, and Russia Division, Regional Studies Department, National Institute for Defence Studies (NIDS), Japan.


Professor Alessio Patalano

Alessio Patalano is Professor of War & Strategy in East Asia at the Department of War Studies (DWS), King’s College London (KCL) where he specialises in maritime strategy and doctrine, Japanese military history and strategy, East Asian security, and British defence policy towards the Indo-Pacific. Prof Patalano is the Director of the King’s Japan Programme and the newly established Indo-Pacific Programme at the Centre for Grand Strategy, a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society (FRHistS), a Visiting Professor at the Japan Maritime Command and Staff College (JMCSC), and an Adjunct Fellow at the Institute of Contemporary Asian Studies, Temple University Japan.He is a Senior Fellow at the think tanks Policy Exchange, Royal United Services Institute (RUSI), and Sir Herbert Richmond Fellow on naval strategy at the Council on Geostrategy.

He is also visiting fellow at the Royal Navy Centre for Strategic Studies (RNCSS) and non-resident fellow at the Royal Australian Navy Seapower Centre. From 2006 to 2015, he was visiting professor at the Italian Naval War College (ISMM), Venice. In Japan, Prof Patalano has held affiliations at Aoyama Gakuin University, the National Defence Academy, and at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS). In 2022, Prof Patalano became the first specialist advisor on the Indo-Pacific to the Foreign Affairs Committee in the UK Parliament. Prof Patalano is an active media commentator and writer (Nikkei, The Spectator); he collaborates on international documentaries, and is also regularly involved in military education, developing and delivering programmes on East Asian affairs.

 You can register to reserve your spot here.

At this event

Alessio Patalano

Professor of War & Strategy in East Asia