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Join Professor Carl Bridge as he shares insights on former Australian Prime Minister, Billy Hughes and his leadership during the Great War.

Billy Hughes is best known for leading Australia during the Great War and influencing national politics in the years proceeding.

For this year's annual lecture, Professor Carl Bridge, former Director of the Menzies Australia Institute, will be sharing his insights on the 7th Prime Minister of Australia and his influence on national politics, especially during the Great War.

About the speaker

Professor Carl Bridge is a graduate of the University of Sydney and Flinders University. He taught History at Flinders and the University of New England before becoming Director of the Menzies Centre for Australian Studies (now the Menzies Australia Institute), a position he held from 1997-2014.

Since 2014, he has been Professor of Australian History at King's. He has held visiting fellowships at Clare Hall and Churchill College, Cambridge, the National Library of Australia and the Australian Prime Ministers' Centre, Canberra.

He has published widely in Australian diplomatic and political history, including a short biography of Billy Hughes (Haus, 2010).


  • Welcome by Dr Agnieszka Sobocinska, current Director of the Menzies Australia Institute
  • Remarks by Professor Stephen Lovell (King's) and Dr Simon Sleight (King's)
  • Lecture from Professor Carl Bridge (King's)
  • Question & Answers

Watch the replay

At this event

Carl Bridge

Emeritus Professor of Australian Studies

Agnieszka Sobocinska

Director of the Menzies Australia Institute

Simon Sleight

Reader in Urban History, Historical Youth Cultures and Australian History

Stephen Lovell

Professor of Modern History

Event details

Nash Lecture Theatre
King's Building
Strand Campus, Strand, London, WC2R 2LS