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The Department of Mathematics is hosting a series of colloquia, open for all to attend. All attendees (internal to King's and external guests) must register via Eventbrite to secure their place.

We invite you to attend our colloquium with our guest speaker, Nobel laureate, Giorgio Parisi. Giorgio will be giving a talk on Chaos with Magnetic Field.'

The talk will be held in-person at The Anatomy Lecture Theatre, Strand Campus, King’s College London and live streamed via Microsoft Teams.

A drinks reception will take place after the talk in the Somerset Room.

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Abstract from the speaker: I will study the property of Chaos with Magnetic Field in spin glasses. I will report the results for Spin Glasses on Random RegularGraphs and 4D lattices; I will compare the simulation with analytic predictions obtained generating random trees according to the ReplicaSymmetry Breaking theory.

I will show that using the Overalp Probability function $P(q)$ as input one can quantitatively predict the degree of decorrelation as the field increases. One can also compute the finite volume effects in the magnetization and the susceptibility as a function of the field.

Bio: Giorgio Parisi’s research career in theoretical physics spans almost five decades. He has produced long-lasting contributions in field theory, elementary particle physics, dynamical systems, and condensed matter physics, and he is one of the pioneers of the mathematical foundations of complexity theory in statistical physics. Prof. Parisi’s achievements have received wide recognition leading to the most coveted awards in the field, including the Boltzmann and Dirac Medal and the Wolf Prize. In 2021, he shared the Nobel Prize in Physics with Japanese American meteorologist Syukuro Manabe and German oceanographer Klaus Hasselmann “for the discovery of the interplay of disorder and fluctuations in physical systems from atomic to planetary scales”.


King’s Mathematical Colloquium

This is the main periodic mathematical event at King's College London. Internationally prestigious speakers from all areas of Pure and Applied Mathematics provide an overview of their research topics, introduce their current investigations, and give their perspective on future advancements in the field. The Colloquium is aimed at a general mathematical audience: students and researchers from all fields of mathematics and physics can hear about new stimulating ideas and relevant research problems.

Event details

Anatomy Lecture Theatre (K6.29), Strand Campus
Strand Campus
Strand, London, WC2R 2LS