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Law & Justice Fair 2025

Strand Building, Strand Campus, London

This information is for employers - students can book via King's CareerConnect

Employer Bookings Open Monday 24 March 2025


To request a space, click on the red button to be taken to King's CareerConnect or click the date you wish to attend, below, to be taken to the booking form for that day. You will need to register with us if you do not already have an organisation account.

  • This event runs over two separate, but co-branded days.
  • Organisations may book to attend one day only - places are available on a first come, first served basis.
  • Chambers are welcome to attend, but we host a separate Chambers Showcase Breakfast later in the term which will be our flagship event for these organisations
  • This event is open to direct employers ONLY and not open to other training or course providers looking to promote their provision at this time*
  • This event is open to organisations representing the following sectors:
    Corporate Solicitors Barristers Chambers Human Rights NGOs
    Inns of Court Bar Associations Patent & Trade Attorneys
 *We may permit these organisations subject to capacity later in summer 2024.

Raise the profile of your organisation directly with King’s and aid our students’ discovery of the breath of opportunities across the the legal sector - both corporate and non-corporate. This year, our event also encompasses a focus on areas of law, justice, non-governmental organisations and multilaterals in the UK and globally.

With one of the world's leading law faculties, and with students studying a range of other degree disciplines, the event will form the flagship for promotion of your opportunities, direct discussion with students and highlighting your initiatives. 

It's also a fantastic opportunity for students to focus their search, get to know your organisation and culture and action their plan by enhancing their understanding of your recruitment and assessment process.

Targeted at penultimate year students, finalists and postgraduates the event has also attracted a number of first years eager to explore the options available and build their networks. Attendees will expect to meet with representatives from human resources/graduate recruitment, alumni and business representatives.


  • Solicitors: £500 + VAT
  • Other Corporate: £250 + VAT
  • Multilaterals, Chambers, Charities, NGOs: FREE


Only one booking per organisation will be approved. Completion of a booking request does not guarantee attendance - please review our Disclaimer.

Why Engage with King's?

law a
  • Ranked 5th for Law (Complete University Guide, 2024).
  • Ranked 15th globally for Law & Legal Studies (QS, 2024).
  • 82.9% of UK-domiciled full-time undergraduate students drawn from state schools or colleges (HESA, 2021).
  • 63.8% of our students are female (HESA, 2022-23).
  • =36th ranked university in the World University Rankings (Times Higher, 2025).
  • 12th Globally for Most International University (Times Higher, 2024).
  • 24th Globally for University Impact (Times Higher, 2022).
  • 11th Nationally and second in the Russell Group for Contribution to Social Mobility (HEPI, 2024).

2024 Attendance Stats


Our careers learning journey is framed through Discover, Focus and Action and we capture information on where our students' thinking is. Attendees from all three stages will be attending our events so you will get a variety of question based on which stage they are at.

Read more in our employer briefing (pdf).

Sponsorship Packages

Enhance your profile through our sponsorship packages for our Law & Justice Fair 2025.

At this event

Linda Gyamfi

Employer Relations & Development Adviser - Legal & Multilaterals

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