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Ageing Research at King's (ARK) Longevity Week 2021

Innovations in Consumer Longevity Data: A Global Perspective

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The theme of Longevity Week 2021 is Sustainability in a Decade of Healthy Ageing. Events during the week will focus on the future of longer living from health to the future of work. Through addressing the challenges of ageing societies globally we can strive to ensure healthier, longer lives can be achieved by all. ARK is pleased to host an online symposium with a Keynote Lecture on UN Decade of Healthy Ageing given by Dr Ritu Sadana, Head of Ageing and Health, World Health Organisation.

The first session of our event will feature case studies that have launched The Open Life Data Framework, an initiative of the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Longevity which aims to facilitate combining health and non-health data securely to improve health for individuals and populations. The Framework will be launched on 18 November at the APPG for Longevity's Healthy Longevity Healthy Growth event with a keynote by Rt Hon George Freeman MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State and Minister for Science, Research and Innovation (register at link above).

ARK is a founding academic member of the APPG for Longevity which is engaging with the UK government, business leaders and academics to deliver the Government’s manifesto commitment to add 5 years of healthy life expectancy while minimising health inequalities by highlighting the recognition by scientists and policy makers of the need to expand data ecosystem by incorporating the wider determinants of health. 

The second session will highlight the value of population wellness data for the insurance and consumer goods industries. The majority of consumer wellness data comes from the outside health care. A focus on non-medical data could help to encompass behavioural, social, economic and biomedical determinants of healthy ageing. The insurance and consumer goods industries are utilising advanced informatics and AI to implement healthy ageing and longevity concepts in their business strategies. 

The third session aims to showcase global longevity initiatives, including the International Institute of Longevity, the Longevity Medicine education program, and the Survey for Health, Attendance, Productivity and Engagement (SHAPE) which aims to integrate of biomarkers of ageing with workforce health.

The fourth session highlights the future of global longevity R&D funding. We are pleased to include the longevity initiatives of our ARK global partners, the Healthy Longevity Innovation Cluster, University of Zurich and Centre for Healthy Longevity, National University of Singapore. The recently launched Longevity Science Foundation, a non-profit organisation established in Switzerland will present their plans to advance human longevity by funding research and development of technologies to extend the healthy lifespan together with insights for commercialising longevity research presented by Deep Longevity.

Ageing Research at King’s (ARK) is a cross-faculty multidisciplinary consortium of investigators which brings together scholarship and research in ageing in several complementary areas. ARK represents King’s world class excellence for research on the biology of ageing, from the basic mechanisms in biogerontology to clinical translation and the social impact of ageing to better inform global policy makers.

This event is supported by King's Policy Institute and sponsored by Frontiers in Ageing

Innovations in Consumer Longevity Data: A Global Perspective

10.00 - 10.05 Welcome and Introduction

Richard Siow - Director, Ageing Research at King's (ARK), King's College London

Reza Razavi - Vice President (Research), King's College London 

10.05 - 10.20 Keynote Lecture - UN Decade of Healthy Ageing - Goals, strategic objectives and current status

Ritu Sadana (Head, Ageing & Health, World Health Organisation)

10.20 - 10.30 Discussion and Q&A - Stephen Harridge (King's College London) 

Session 1 - The Open Life Data Framework - APPG for Longevity

Chairs: Gavin Starks, CEO &  Tina Woods CEO Collider Health

10:30 - 10:35 Opening Remarks - Gavin Starks and Tina Woods

10:35 - 10:45 eRedBook for Life - Eric Kihlstrom (Ageing2.0 UK) & Michael Catania (Sitekit)

10:45 - 10.55 Civic Data Cooperative - Gary Leeming (University of Liverpool)

10.55 - 11.05 Health and Longevity Data Exchange - Svitlana Surodina (King's College London) 

11.05 - 11:20 Panel Discussion

Session 2 - Longevity Innovations in Insurance and Consumer Goods

Chair: Svitlana Surodina (ARK Entrepreneur in Residence, King's College London)

11:30 - 11.35 Opening Remarks - Svitlana Surodina (King's College London)

11:35 - 11:45 Platforms as Innovation Opportunities for Longevity Data Aggregation and Analysis - Harald Gall (University of Zurich, Switzerland)

11.45 - 11.55 Longevity Science for Insurance - Joseph Lu (Legal & General, UK)

11:55 - 12:05 Health Age and Beyond - Chris Tomkins (AXA Health, UK)

12:05 - 12:15 Adding Healthy Years to Life Through Food and Nutrition - Philipp Gut & Olivier Ballevre (Nestlé Institute of Health Sciences, Switzerland)

12:15 - 12:25 Panel Discussion

Session 3 - Global Perspectives Across the Life Course

Chair: Richard Siow (King's College London)

12:30 - 12.35 Opening Remarks - Richard Siow

12:35 - 12:45 Longevity Medicine: Using AI to maintain optimal performance through the life span - Alex Zhavoronkov (Insilico Medicine, USA / Hong Kong)

12:45 - 12:55 Healthy Longevity Policies - Joanna Bensz (International Institute of Longevity, Liechtenstein / Longevity Center, Poland)

12:55 - 13.05 Happiness and Health in Ageing Workforces - Ali Khan (SHAPE, UK / Australia)

13:05 - 13.20 Panel Discussion

Session 4 - Longevity Research Funding Landscape

Chair: Richard Siow (King's College London)

13.30 - 13.35 Opening Remarks - Richard Siow

13.35 - 13.45 Funding Impactful and Accessible Longevity R&D - Garri Zmudze (Longevity Science Foundation, Switzerland)

13.45 - 13.55 Healthy Longevity Innovation Cluster - Mike Martin (University of Zurich, Switzerland)

13.55 - 14.05 Innovations in Longevity, from Hype and Hope to Evidence - Andrea Maier (National University of Singapore)

14.05 - 14.15 Commercializing Longevity Research - Michelle Keller (Deep Longevity, Hong Kong)

14.15 - 14.30 Panel Discussion

14.30 - 14.35 Concluding Remarks - Richard Siow (Director, ARK)

Frontiers in Ageing
Frontiers in Ageing

Frontiers in Ageing will publish a Research Topic on the theme "Innovations in Longevity Data" with articles from invited speakers in this event. There will be an open invitation for submission of reviews, perspectives, commentaries or original research articles for this special issue, especially from authors working on the theme of life data for healthy longevity.

Opening Keynote Session - The UN Decade of Healthy Ageing

Session 1 - The APPG for Longevity - Open Life Data Framework

Session 2 - Longevity Innovations in Insurance and Consumer Goods

Session 3 - Global Perspectives Across the Life Course

Session 4 - Longevity Research Funding Landscape