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Please note: this event has passed

The EU and ASEAN have recently issued their respective Indo-Pacific strategies that highlight roadmaps to enhanced cooperation in the region. The purpose of this webinar is to understand the convergence of these strategies and implications for EU-ASEAN interregional frameworks from legal and political perspectives.

Leading experts from the Indo-Pacific and Europe will provide insight into the ASEAN-centered regime in the regional architecture, maritime security and connectivity, and climate change and sustainable development. They will also discuss action plans and policy issues from aspects of Indonesia, Singapore, Taiwan and the United Kingdom.

This event is organized by the Singapore Management University Yong Pung How School of Law, the Indo-Pacific Research Group of King’s, and the College of International Affairs of National Chengchi University, and is funded by the EU Jean Monnet Chair programme.

The registration deadline for the event is 13 March.  This event is online.



  • Professor Christophe Jaffrelot (King's India Institute)
  • Professor Pasha L. Hsieh (SMU Yong Pung How School of Law)


  • Professor Lay Hwee Yeo (Director EU Centre in Singapore)
  • Ambassador Iman Pambagyo, Former Chief Trade Negotiator of Indonesia


  • Associate Professor Cho-Hsin Su (Director, Program of European Union Studies at the National Chengchi University of Taiwan)

At this event

Christophe Jaffrelot

Professor of Indian Politics and Sociology