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Join us to celebrate a special milestone for our new professors and hear about their inspiring career journeys. Doors for this event will open at 16.45, with the lecture to commence at 17.00. A drinks reception will be held immediately after the lecture at 17.30.

Professor Akash Deep

Emerging subspecialities in paediatric critical care : building a career and a field : Critical care nephrology and hepatology


The future of paediatric critical care is poised to evolve significantly with advances in technology, precision medicine, and interdisciplinary collaboration. With patients going to multi-organ dysfunction and each organ having a unique physiology, there are more and more subspecialties (organ-specific) evolving in the field of paediatric critical care. Neurocritical care and cardiac critical care are now well established. In this lecture I will talk about my journey in the field of paediatric critical care from India to the UK especially in the field of critical care nephrology and hepatology, how we set up the Critical Care Nephrology section in the European Society of Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care (ESPNIC) , impact it had on the field in Europe, starting Liver Failure working group of ESPNIC and PALISI (Paediatric Acute Lung Injury and sepsis investigators) and creating awareness of how these sub-specialities are unique and require knowledge and expertise. I will discuss about the advancements in the field of critical care nephrology and hepatology in the last decade and my contributions, our unique protocol of multi-modal neuro-monitoring of acute liver failure, use of prostacyclin as an anticoagulant in continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) which is now being followed internationally and national and international collaborations we have been able to achieve to advance this growing field.


Akash Deep is the Director of the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit(PICU) at King's College Hospital, London and Professor of Paediatric critical care at King’s College London. Prof. Deep is the Staff Governor at King’s College Hospital, London.

Professor Deep is the Chair of Scientific Affairs for the European Society of Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care Society (ESPNIC). He chairs the Liver Failure Working Group for ESPNIC. He is the Chair for the Liver Failure Working group for PALISI (Pediatric Acute Lung Injury and Sepsis Investigators) network. He has been the Founding Chair for the Critical Care Nephrology Section of ESPNIC.

Professor Deep is the Chair for the Science and Education Committee of Paediatric Critical Care Society (PCCS) of UK. He is the advisor to the UK sepsis Trust for paediatric sepsis and is the author of the Surviving Sepsis Campaign guidelines for septic shock in children. Prof Deep is the Chief author of the Sepsis Toolkit for management of sepsis in children released by the UK Sepsis Trust at the House of Commons.

Professor Deep has organised many national and international congresses on extracorporeal support CRRT and hosted the First International Conference of Critical Care Nephrology in London in 2023. He also was the co-Chairman for the 8th International Conference on CRRT in London and the 9th International Conference on CRRT in Orlando, USA. He was the Organising Chairman for 2019 U.K’s National Paediatric Intensive Care congress in collaboration with US’s Paediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Society (PCICS)

Professor Deep is the Chief Editor for the official ESPNIC textbook published by Springer on ‘’Critical Care Nephrology and Renal Replacement therapy in Children’’. He is an invited national and international speaker in major Paediatric and Paediatric Intensive Care conferences.

Special interests include various aspects of management of acute liver failure especially extracorporeal support in acute liver failure in children, acute kidney injury in neonates and children, Continuous renal replacement therapy, sepsis education/awareness and haemodynamics in septic shock.

At this event

Akash Deep

Professor of Paediatric Critical Care

Event details

Lecture Theatre 1, New Hunts House
Guy’s Campus
Great Maze Pond, London SE1 1UL