Imaging Bites – Imaging across Scales - from national to global networks of imaging scientists
Hodgkin Building, Guy’s Campus, London
This Imaging Bites seminar will introduce imaging community networks and infrastructures from the national to the European and global level. These organizations provide a range of opportunities for researchers using imaging technologies and for staff in imaging core facilities, from open access to technology and training, to exchange and mentoring programs.
In this talk, guest speakers Georgina Fletcher, BioImagingUK & RMS, and Johanna Bischof, Euro-BioImaging, will introduce BioImagingUK, Euro-BioImaging and Global BioImaging and how any researcher and imaging scientist in a core facility can participate in these initiates and benefit from them.
All the imaging networks and communities aim to bring together people using imaging to build communities across different levels, share technological expertise, increases skills, collaborate, democratize access, and work together to increase the impact of and support for imaging as a critical tool in modern life science research.
Join us for this 30-minute seminar, on the power of community building and networks, followed by an interactive Q&A, and a complimentary lunch, offering a valuable opportunity to network with colleagues and peers in the imaging community. This event is open to all King's students and staff interested in imaging - it is free, but registration is required.
Guest Speakers:
- Georgina Fletcher, Project Officer – Bioimaging UK
- Johanna Bischof, Head of Bio-Hub Operations, Euro-BioImaging
Moderator: Fadwa Joud, Associate Director, Business Development & Innovation, Imaging Core Facilities
Imaging Bites Lunch and Learn Seminar Series
This event is part of the Imaging Bites Lunch & Learn, a seminar series for King’s imaging community, designed to share knowledge, explore cutting-edge imaging topics, and foster collaborations. Featuring expert speakers from academia, core facilities, and industry, each session includes a talk, interactive discussion, and complimentary lunch.
For more details and upcoming events, visit the Imaging Bites Lunch and Learn Series.

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