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One of the most noteworthy features of the new space race is the emergence of China as a major power. From its ambitious space exploration programme and the completion of its own station in orbit to the integration of space into its broader foreign policy, space has become integral to China’s growing global influence.

This event will consider the following questions: What are the key drivers behind China’s increasing presence in space? How is China trying to leverage its space capabilities to enhance its geopolitical standing and strategic influence? Are perceptions of China's space activities driven by a misunderstanding of its true objectives? And what does China’s growing space power mean for the future of global space governance and international cooperation?

We're delighted to welcome Dr Dimitrios Stroikos for a discussion on China's growing space power, chaired by the Institute's Dr Konstantinos Tsimonis. Join us from 1-2pm, Thursday 17 October. 

This is an in-person event. Registration required.


Dimitrios Stroikos is Head of the Space Policy Programme at LSE IDEAS, and he teaches at the Department of International Relations, LSE. He is also the editor of Space Policy: An International Journal. His research has appeared in such publications as Astropolitics, India Review, International Politics, Journal of Contemporary China, Review of International Studies, and Space Policy. He has also co-edited the book Rising Power, Limited Influence: The Politics of Chinese Investments in Europe and the Liberal International Order (Oxford University Press). His latest open access publication related to China and space is Still Lost in Space? Understanding China and India’s Anti-Satellite Tests through an Eclectic Approach, in Astropolitics.

 Konstantinos Tsimonis is a Senior Lecturer in Chinese Society at the Lau China Institute, King’s College London. He has a PhD from the School of Oriental and African Studies where he previously taught courses on Chinese, East Asian and comparative politics. He is affiliated to the Institute of International Relations (IIR) and Mediterranean Programme for International Environmental Law and Negotiation (MEPIELAN), both based in Athens. He is also a member of the editorial board of the People’s Map of Global China and of the Advisory Editorial Board of the Journal of the European Association for Chinese Studies.

At this event

Konstantinos  Tsimonis

Senior Lecturer in Chinese Society

Event details

River Room
King's Building
Strand Campus, Strand, London, WC2R 2LS