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We invite you to attend the launch of “General International Law in International Investment Law - A Commentary”, edited by Andreas Kulick and Michael Waibel. The book explores how general international law and international investment law intersect and influence each other in investor-state arbitration and how ISDS may inspire the practice of international courts and tribunals on general international law. This Commentary covers a broad spectrum of topics, from treaty law and state responsibility to state succession and immunity, sources, and cross-cutting procedural and substantive aspects. Throughout its forty-six chapters, this Commentary meticulously examines various provisions from significant sources of public international law, such as the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties and the International Law Commission’s Articles on the Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts. Each chapter provides a detailed analysis of how investment tribunals have interpreted and applied these general rules of international law, exploring both procedural and substantive aspects.

This book launch features a panel discussion on “General International Law and International Investment Law: A Two-Way Street?” moderated by Can Yeginsu (3VB), with panellists Belinda McRae (Twenty Essex), Federica Paddeu (University of Cambridge), and Cameron Miles (3VB) offering insights into the practical and theoretical implications of the Commentary’s findings. Following the discussion, we invite you to join us at a reception sponsored by 3VB - Three Verulam Buildings Barristers.

At this event

Philippa Webb

Professor of Public International Law

Event details

Lecture Theatre 1
Bush House
Strand campus, 30 Aldwych, London, WC2B 4BG