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In 2014, in a speech on educational reform, Premier Xi Jinping stated that "China’s educational institutions must have Chinese characteristics, a global vision, and modern features”. How has the party-state transformed Chinese education in the decade since Xi rose to power? How do students, parents and educators experience the new reality?

Panellists Anca Crowe, Henrik Nykvist (MF Norwegian School), Jérôme Doyon (Sciences Po), Yunyun Zhou (University of Oslo) chaired by Kostas Tsminonis (Lau China Institute) will discuss politicisation and partification within different levels of China’s education system.

Join us for this in-person event as part of China Week 2023. Registration is required.


Anca Crowe is an education consultant and History and Politics teacher. She has a PhD in Education from King's College London and an MPhil in Political Science from the University of Vienna, Austria. Her research interests are early childhood education, education in China and climate justice education.

Henrik Nykvist is a doctoral research fellow in contemporary China studies at MF Norwegian School of Theology, Religion and Society. He has a background in sinology and political science. His research interests revolve around Chinese politics, particularly youth mobilization, political education, ideology, and political language. 

Jérôme Doyon is a Junior Professor at the Centre for International Relations (CERI) at Sciences Po Paris, and an affiliate of the Lau China Institute at King's College London. Jérôme's research focuses on Chinese politics with a specific interest in the inner working of the Party-State apparatus, as well as elite politics, political youth organizations, and the management of ethno-religious minorities.

Kostantinos Tsimonis is a Senior Lecturer in Chinese Society at the Lau China Institute, King’s College London. He has a PhD and an MSc from the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS, with an Onassis Foundation and an A.G. Leventis Foundation scholarship respectively). He previously taught courses on Chinese, East Asian and comparative politics at SOAS. He is a member of the editorial board of the People’s Map of Global China, and of the Advisory Editorial Board of the Journal of the People's Map of Global China, and of the Advisory Editorial Board of the Journal of the European Association for Chinese Studies.

Yunyun Zhou is a feminist researcher, a political sociologist, and associate professor at the University of Oslo, Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages. She positions herself as a fieldwork-based researcher working at the intersection of political sociology, gender studies and cultural studies. Her current research projects cover a range of topics concerning the latest development of Chinese politics and society, such as Chinese women's reproductive choices and discourses, gender lobbying, and women’s political representation. She is the author of “Theorising Illiberal State-Feminism”, “Coalition-based Gender Lobbying”, and “Being a Good Daughter of the Party”.

At this event

Konstantinos  Tsimonis

Senior Lecturer in Chinese Society

Event details

Strand Campus
Strand, London, WC2R 2LS