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A special seminar from the Centre for Gene Therapy & Regenerative Medicine.

Speaker: Dr Marta Shahbazi, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge

Title of the talk: “Developmental plasticity of the early human embryo”

Host: Norah Fogarty

Date: Thursday 27 February 2025

Time: 16:00

Where: Seminar Room, 28th Floor, Tower Wing, Guy’s Hospital

Marta Shahbazi is a group leader at the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology (LMB). She obtained her Ph.D. in 2013 at the Spanish National Cancer Research Centre, and in 2014 she joined the laboratory of Prof. Magdalena Zernicka-Goetz at the University of Cambridge to study mammalian embryo development at implantation. As a post-doctoral fellow, she developed a method to culture human embryos beyond implantation in vitro. She has used this methodology to study tissue morphogenesis, cell fate specification, and the development of aneuploid human embryos. She joined the LMBin February 2020 to understand the molecular mechanisms behind the self-organisation of the early mammalian embryo.

Event details

Seminar Room, Floor 28, Tower Wing
Guy's Tower
Guy's Hospital, Great Maze Pond, London, SE1 1UL