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The Faculty of Social Science & Public Policy and Arts Cabinet, are organising a day-long international symposium for students and researchers with an interest in creative pedagogies and artistic methodologies at The Exchange.

The event will be hybrid and bring together leading researchers and practitioners from a range of Universities across Europe: The Universities of Agder (Norway), Turku UAS (Finland), The Aegean and UNIWA (Greece), Amsterdam – alongside SSPP students and researchers, and practitioner organisations from Sweden, Ireland and the U.K. – who have been working together over the last 3 years and separately investigating topics that explore the potential of artistic methodologies and creative pedagogies across various fields and disciplines, combining embodied practice, arts for well-being, ethnographic practice, visual practice and cross disciplinary experimentation.

The day will be a combination of workshops, talks, screenings and seminars, some of which will be in person and others including online contributions. Numbers are limited, so please book your place here or using the red register button on the right hand side. Please find the latest programme here.

The day will bring together practitioners and researchers from 2 ERASMUS projects:

Pedagogies for Flourishing in Complexity, King’s College London is part of a three-year educational initiative funded by Erasmus+ involving King’s College London and Turku University of Applied Sciences, Finland with partner organizations from Sweden, Greece and Ireland. The partners are co-developing innovative study modules in arts, health and well-being education with the aim to evidence the value of transformational learning strategies on student well-being and professional identity formation.

'Pedagogies for Flourishing in Complexity' has been designed to investigate emancipatory pedagogical approaches through somatic movement practices for senior clinical students and social science students. The aim is to give students tools to help build leadership attributes, fluid intelligence, advocacy, critical reflection, social consciousness, situational awareness, conflict resolution and flourishing. The sessions invite students into a physical exploration of these themes, using Contact Improvisation, giving them opportunities to set aside intellectual knowledge in favour of a more 'felt' experience. Read more here

Encounters: through Art, Ethnography and Pedagogy is an Erasmus+ funded project which brings together The University of Agder (Norway), leading the project in partnership with The University of Amsterdam, The University of the Aegean, Raketa (Stockholm), Arts Cabinet (London) and Ethnofest (Athens) to test out intersections where ethnographers and artists meet and to challenge understandings and assumptions of what Encounters mean.

The encounterthe act of meeting, engaging with, or confronting – is a central feature both in ethnography, in art, and in pedagogy, yet in different ways. The idea in the Encounters project has been to explore the potential and properties – and the critique – of encounters as methodology, through our practices as educators and students, researchers and artists. The partner institutions – three higher education institutions and three arts and cultural institutions in Europe, and a US associate partner – set out to meet regularly for joint explorations. Our plans for the period 2019-2022 included summer courses in Lesvos, student exhibitions in Athens, and workshops in Amsterdam, London and Norway. Read more here.

At this event

Mark Rietema

Practice Partner