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Speaker Dr Leonardo Sacconi, Senior Researcher - OptoCARD Lab, Institute of Clinical Physiology (IFC) - CNR
and Institute for Experimental Cardiovascular Medicine, University of Freiburg
Title Cardiac multiscale bioimaging: from molecules through cells to whole heart
Host Elisabetta Brunello
Abstract Cardiac multiscale bioimaging is an emerging field that aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the heart and its functions at various levels, from the molecular to the entire organ. It combines both physiologically and clinically relevant dimensions: from micrometer-resolution imaging based on linear and non-linear microscopy to assess molecular process and electrical dynamics in cardiac cells and myocardial tissue, to mesoscale morpho-functional investigations to improve the understanding of cardiac (patho)physiology.
Event details
G8New Hunt’s House
Great Maze Pond, London, SE1 9RT