Please note: this event has passed
CaféTheoria is an interactive, hybrid workshop series where renowned experts discuss core social science theories, where you have the opportunity to engage your peers & colleagues in lively discussion & debate. The sixth workshop of CaféTheoria will discuss influential theorists Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels with Dr Lucia Pradella.
Who can attend?
The workshop series is aimed at postgraduate students (PGT) and doctoral scholars (PGR) in the faculty of Social Science and Public Policy.
The workshops are intended to introduce students to key thinkers' works, so you are not expected to be familiar with the text or to read in advance!
The two-hour event will be held on 07.05.2024, in-person in Room 1.3 Macadam Building, Strand Campus, King's College London and online via Zoom (further details forthcoming- stay tuned!). Refreshments (food, light beverages) will be provided.
The Zoom link to the event will be shared with all registered virtual attendees one day prior to the event.
This event is free! Tickets are available for in-person and online attendance. However, in-person attendance is limited so please cancel if you are unable to attend.
About Dr Lucia Pradella
Lucia Pradella is a Reader in International Political Economy at King’s College London. She holds a PhD in philosophy from the University of Naples Federico II and Paris 10 Nanterre. She collaborated on the historical-critical edition of Marx’s and Engels’s complete works at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities and has written two books on Marx’s Capital: her first book, The Actuality of Marx's Capital (2010), presents the first systematic reading of Marx's Capital and his writings on colonialism, while her second book, Globalization and the Critique of Political Economy (2014), traces the evolution of Marx’s understanding of capitalist globalization, colonialism, and anticolonial resistance in the light of his still partially unpublished notebooks on colonialism and the world market. Lucia has published extensively on labour, migration, imperialism, and alternatives to neoliberalism, and co-edited The Routledge Handbook of Marxism and Post-Marxism (2021).
About CaféTheoria
CaféTheoria is funded by KCL's SSPP Faculty Education Fund. It is an interactive and innovative hybrid workshop series organised which will run in the 2023-2024 academic year. The project is led by Dr Shagufta Bhangu and Dr Rishita Nandagiri. For further information about the event, please contact:

Event details
MB 1.3Macadam Building
Macadam Building, Surrey Street, London, WC2R 2NS
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