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Breaking the cycle of FGM: a Changemaker's guide

Bush House, Strand Campus, London


At a time when global progress on ending female genital mutilation remains uneven, understanding community-level dynamics and barriers to change is crucial.

That's why Domtila Chesang was appointed as the first participant in the Global Institute for Women’s Leadership’s Changemakers Programme in partnership with The Five Foundation, and funded by Firebird Foundation. Domtila has conducted in-depth fieldwork with affected communities to understand why, despite laws criminalising FGM and decades of interventions, the practice persists.

Her research sheds light on the deep-rooted social, economic, and cultural factors sustaining FGM and the ongoing challenges to its eradication in an area of Kenya, West Pokot, where FGM prevalence rates are more than double the national average.

Join Domtila and our panel to discuss how the persistence of harmful traditional practices continues to challenge policymakers, healthcare providers, and community activists alike – and what we can do about it.


  • Nimco Ali OBE, CEO and Co-founder, The Five Foundation Global and women's rights activist
  • Domtila Chesang, Inaugural Changemaker, King's Global Institute for Women's Leadership and Anti-FGM activist and community advocate
  • Monica Ferro, Director, London Office, United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and Gender equality advocate
  • Baroness Helena Kennedy KC, Director, International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute and Member of the House of Lords
  • Andrew Mitchell MP, Former Minister of State (Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office) (Minister for Development and Africa)
  • Julia Gillard AC, Chair, Global Institute for Women's Leadership at King's College London and 27th Prime Minister of Australia (chair)

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