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Please join the Department of International Development at KCL for a book talk with Dr Ece Kocabıçak about her new book, "The Political Economy of Patriarchy in the Global South". Dr Sheba Tejani and Dr Lorena Lombardozzi will be joining the event as speakers.
About the book
'The Political Economy of Patriarchy in the Global South' (Routledge, 2023) emerges at the intersections of gender, political economy, and sociology. Its main concern is to investigate the respective roles that gender plays in shaping the macro-level political economy. The book challenges assumptions and calls for rethinking major political economic categories and theories, thereby shedding light on the dynamics of social change in the Global South. By investigating how uneven gender relations effectively shape trajectories of socio-economic transformation, the book questions the widely accepted approach that reduces the relationship between gender and development to either ‘the gendered outcomes’ of or ‘the gendered prerequisites’ for capitalist development.
The book also provides an original theory of the patriarchal system by distinguishing its new forms sustained by the gendered patterns of agriculture. While emphasising the significance of the Historical Materialist methodology, it explores the potential contribution of Hegelian Marxism to feminist political economic thought. To date, 'The Political Economy of Patriarchy in the Global South' has been named 'essential reading in economics' by Choice Reviewed Titles, a division of the American Library Association, and has been nominated for the British Sociological Association's Philip Abrams Memorial Prize.

About the author
Dr Ece Kocabıçak
Dr Ece Kocabıçak is currently a Senior Lecturer in Sociology at the Open University and Executive Secretary of the Economy & Society Research Committee of the International Sociological Association. Her research examines the diverse variations of gender regimes and manifestations of racism in the Global South, and how these regimes shape strategies of capital accumulation and state-formation. In particular, she has pioneered research on how gender discrimination in landownership affects labour migration from agriculture to non-agricultural sectors in developing countries. Ece’s research has been recognised and awarded by several prestigious organisations, including the UK Government's International Science Partnerships Fund, the European Institute at the London School of Economics, the ESRC's Global Challenges Fund, and the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation.
About the speakers
Dr Sheba Tejani
Dr Sheba Tejani is a Senior Lecturer in International Development, School of Global Affairs at King's College London. Her work is centred on the distributional consequences of international trade and structural transformation in developing countries. She is interested in the effects of technological upgrading, automation and gender segregation on workers and the future of work. She has studied labour market inequalities in the context of structural change and export-oriented industrialisation in countries in the Global South. In a related and emerging research programme, she explores the consolidation of Hindu majoritarianism in India and its relationship to development and exclusion.
Dr Lorena Lombardozzi
Dr Lorena Lombardozzi is a Senior Lecturer in the Political Economy of Development at SOAS University of London. Her research interests include theoretical debates on political economy, inequality, growth and distribution as well as applied areas of international development (especially East and Central Asia), gender and feminist economics, labour and work, welfare state and social policy, agro-industrial policy and innovation, food systems, global value chains and research methods in social sciences.
About the Interrogating Development Seminar Series
The 'Interrogating Development' seminar series is organised by the Department of International Development at King's College London. The series examines some of the most pressing issues of development facing global society today, with the authors of new books presenting cutting-edge research on a variety of topics related to development.
The talk will be followed by a wine reception. The event is open to everyone.
Event details
Room NE 1.03Bush House North East Wing
Bush House North East Wing, 30 Aldwych, WC2B 4BG