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Longevity - Preventive Medicine Across the Lifespan
Recordings of the keynote by Nathan Price (Buck Institute) and talk by Joshua Herring (CEO & President, Longevity Science Foundation) are below.
Ageing Research at King's (ARK) in partnership with the European Society of Preventive Medicine (ESPM) and the Longevity Science Foundation (LSF), is pleased to host the 6th ARK Longevity Week event at the Waterloo Campus, King's College London, part of the annual series of events organised by the Longevity Forum. The week's overarching theme this year is "Prevention: The Path to Longer, Healthier Lives".
Our hybrid symposium will address preventive medicine for healthy ageing in the context of novel technologies, harnessing health data, preventive medicine and lifestyle interventions, and consumer health monitoring across the life course. Our partners will highlight developments in technologies and national programmes to better harness the value of integrated data analytics for preventive medicine and longevity through our academic - industry R&D partnerships.
At this Longevity Week event ARK is additionally pleased to host the launch of the journal Longevity (published by Taylor & Francis), the new official journal of the European Society of Preventive Medicine. The journal will be a leading forum for high impact publications across the broad spectrum of translational and integrative science, clinical studies, policy engagement, health economics, entrepreneurship and innovation in healthy longevity and preventive medicine. Affiliated journal partners include Ageing Research at King's, Longevity Science Foundation, CERN Openlab, Switzerland, Institute for Systems Biology, USA and Shanghai Institute for Systems Biomedicine, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China.
We are grateful to Dexcom UK and the Longevity Science Foundation for sponsoring this event.
15.00 - Arrival and Refreshments
15.15 - Welcome - Richard Siow (ARK Director) and Michael Sagner (ESPM Executive Director)
15.20 - Keynote Lecture - The Age of Scientific Wellness - Nathan Price (Buck Institute, California, USA)
15.50 - HealthTech for Healthy Brain Ageing - Dag Aarsland - (Director, Centre for Healthy Brain Ageing, KCL)
16.00 - Exercise and Nutrition for Healthspan - Jose Antonio - (CEO, International Society of Sports Nutrition)
16.10 - OPORA Health: Harnessing Data in Health Research - Svitlana Surodina - (ARK Entrepreneur in Residence)
16.20 - Sport in Society and the Business of Longevity - Vijay Pereira (NEOMA Business School)
16.30 - Industry Panel Discussion - Corbin Griffin (Dexcom), Gourab Mukerjee (Aktivo Labs), Nathan Berkley (Muhdo Health) - moderated by Richard Siow
16.55 - Longevity Science: Adding Years to Life and Life to Years - Joshua Herring (CEO & President, Longevity Science Foundation) - recording below.
17.05 - ESPM Journal Launch: Longevity - Michael Sagner (Executive Director, ESPM) and Alexandra Carrick (Taylor & Francis)
17.15 - Closing Remarks - Richard Siow (ARK Director)
17.20 - Networking and Refreshments
The recording below is the talk by Joshua Herring, CEO & President of the Longevity Science Foundation
Event details
G16James Clerk Maxwell Building
57 Waterloo Road, London SE1 8WA
Related departments
- Ageing Research at King's (ARK)
- Centre for Healthy Brain Ageing
- Department of Old Age Psychiatry
- Centre for Ageing Resilience In a Changing Environment - CARICE
- Faculty of Life Sciences & Medicine
- Faculty of Social Science & Public Policy
- Faculty of Dentistry, Oral & Craniofacial Sciences
- Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience