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European Society of Preventive Medicine - ARK Partnership Launch Event

We are delighted to announce the new partnership between Ageing Research at King's (ARK) and the European Society of Preventive Medicine (ESPM). To launch the partnership, ARK and ESPM will be hosting a joint symposium at the Science Gallery, Guy's Hospital Campus, on Wednesday 27 September 2023. All welcome but registration is required through Eventbrite (link above).

The ESPM - ARK partnership will facilitate the intersection of basic research, clinical medicine, and community physical, mental and financial health with a focus on the prevention and prediction of chronic and age-related diseases across the lifespan. We plan a series of public engagement events, academic-industry workshops, and education activities for postgraduate and clinical students as well as postdoctoral researchers and healthcare professionals.

Preventive Medicine and Healthspan: from Cell to Community


14.30 - 15.00 Arrival

Registration and refreshments.

15.00 - 15.10 Welcome and Introduction

Richard Siow (ARK Director) and Michael Sagner (Founding Director, ESPM)

Guy Hembury (Vice President, Parliamentary and Scientific Committee)

15.10 - 15.30 What have we learnt for prevention and public health in 50 years - Lessons for the future

Pekka Puska (President, European Society of Preventive Medicine)

15.30 - 15.50 Healthy Cognitive Ageing: Can we Prevent Dementia?

Dag Aarsland (Head of Old Age Psychiatry, King's College London)

15.50 - 16.10 Artificial Intelligence and Prevention of Dementia

Payam Barnaghi (UK DRI Care Research & Technology Centre, Imperial College London)

16.10 - 16.30 Twins UK and the Covid Symptom Study

Claire Steves (Clinical Director, Twins UK, King’s College London)

16.30 - 17.00 Keynote Lecture: Our Future Healtha Paradigm Shift in Prevention

Raghib Ali OBE (CMO and Joint Chief Investigator, Our Future Health)

17.00 - 17.05 Vote of Thanks

Richard Trembath (Senior Vice President, King's College London & Executive Director, King's Health Partners)

17.05 - 17.30 Panel Discussion with all speakers

Moderated by Lisa Ireland (President and CEO, Longevity Science Foundation)

17.30 Event Close

Richard Siow (ARK Director) and Michael Sagner (Founding Director, ESPM)

17.30 - 18.30 Networking Reception

We are grateful for sponsorship and support from our partners:

Muhdo Health



Longevity Science Foundation

Our Future Health

King's Health Partners

Parliamentary and Scientific Committee

Event details

Science Gallery London
Great Maze Pond, London, SE1 9GU