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For the last lunchtime talk in Science Gallery London's AI Forum series, Dr Thomas Booth will present some recent breakthroughs in diagnostic AI focused on the field of abnormality detection.

Tom is a Reader in Neuroimaging in the School of Biomedical Engineering & Imaging Sciences at King’s, and an Honorary Consultant Neuroradiologist at King’s College Hospital. For over a decade he has been researching the use of machine learning in clinical brain imaging - in particular using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) images. His research encompasses both abnormality detection as well as brain tumour treatment assessment.

Tom will be joined by Dr Phil Blakelock who brings to the discussion the perspective and experience of the patient. Phil underwent much imaging as it formed a central role guiding his own treatment. Phil also brings the perspective and experience of someone who worked in industry for an MRI scanner manufacturer for 8 years.

The AI Forum is Science Gallery London’s dedicated space for participation and discussion about how AI is made and used. It is part of the gallery’s current season AI: Who’s Looking After Me? presented in collaboration with FutureEverything which runs until 20 January 2024.

About Science Gallery London

Science Gallery London is a place to grow new ideas across art, science and health. It is King’s College London’s unique public space that brings together academics, researchers, students, artists and local communities. Science Gallery London presents exhibitions, events, performances, live experiments, open discussions and festivals.

Event details

Science Gallery London
Great Maze Pond, London, SE1 9GU