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Unveil the trends, challenges, and prospects in the future of AI-assisted programming.

This half-day seminar, hosted by Jie M. Zhang, will include four keynote talks, a panel discussion and celebration drinks (invitation only). Attendees can benefit from the development details of state-of-the-art LLMs for coding and benchmarking, as well as visions from experts in sustainable software and diverse and inclusiveness in software development.


Daniel J. Mankowitz works on building and/or improving important real-world applications and products using Reinforcement Learning and Large Language Models (LLMs). He has contributed to AlphaCode, AlphaDev, Bard and Gemini at Google Deepmind.

Baptiste Roziere is a Research Scientist at Meta AI in Paris working in the code generation team. He works on large language models, with a special interest in applications to code. Baptiste contributed to Llama and started Code Llama.

Don Syme is a Principal Researcher at GitHub Next specialising in AI-driven collaborative programming systems. He is a co-creator of Copilot Workspace and the designer of the F# language. In 2015, he was honored with a Silver Medal from the Royal Academy of Engineering.

John Yang is an incoming PhD student at Stanford University. He is currently a research assistant at Princeton University advised by Professor Karthik Narasimhan. He works on Benchmarks for LLMs, Software Engineering, and Interactive Code Generation. He is the creator of SWE-bench and SWE-agent.


Panel chair

Michael Luck: Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Provost of University of Sussex. He is an expert in multiple agent systems and was the editor-in-chief of the Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems journal. He is also Fellow of the European Association for Artificial Intelligence, the British Computer Society and King’s College London. Before joining University of Sussex he was the founding Director of King's College London’s Institute for Artificial Intelligence and Director of the UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Safe and Trusted Artificial Intelligence.


Eric Zie: CEO & Founder of GoCodeGreen. He is an expert in sustainable AI and is the author of book “Decarbonise Digital: Facts. Methods. Action”. He is a two-time Earthshot Nominee, Computing’s Digital Ambassador of the Year, and vice-Chair for TechUK Climate Council.

Federica Sarro: professor of Professor of Software Engineering at the Department of Computer Science of University College London (UCL) and the Head of the Software Systems Engineering (SSE) at UCL. Her research interests are Predictive Analytics for Software Engineering (SE), Empirical SE and Search-Based SE, with a focus on software project managment, software measures, software testing, and app stores analytics.

Michael Kölling: professor at King’s College London. His research interest is in programming education. He is best known for the development of the BlueJ and Greenfoot educational development environments. He received the SIGCSE Award for Outstanding Contribution to Computer Science Education for the development of the BlueJ in 2013.

Jie M. Zhang: assistant professor at King’s College London. She is passionate about LLM4Code, software testing, software engineering for AI, and trustworthy AI. She is a steering committee member of IEEE ICST and ACM AIware. She has been selected as the top-fifteen 2023 Global Chinese Female Young Scholars in interdisciplinary AI. Her research has won the 2022 Transactions on Software Engineering Best Paper award and the ICLR 2022 spotlight paper award.

Don Syme (speaker, please see full introduction above)

Baptiste Roziere (speaker, please see more introduction above)

Although many of the King's Festival of Artificial Intelligence events are suitable for a wide audience, including the general public, participants will get the most out of this if they have a high level of knowledge or interest in the area.

This event is in-person only. Please register on Eventbrite. Registration will close at 9am on Tuesday 21 May.

This event is part of the King's Festival of Artificial Intelligence, running from Tuesday 21 to Saturday 25 May 2024 , with support from the China-Britain Artificial Intelligence Association. This event has been funded by the NMES Enterprise & Engagement Partnerships Fund.

Festival event times may be subject to change. Any changes will be communicated to registrants via Eventbrite emails.

Please note, King's events are free, which means we routinely overbook to allow for no-shows and avoid empty seats. Admission is on a first come, first served basis, so please arrive in good time to avoid disappointment. We will not be able to admit those without tickets or latecomers.

At this event

Jie Zhang

Lecturer in Computer Science (Software Engineering)

Event details

Strand Campus
Strand, London, WC2R 2LS