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AI applications in ovarian cancer computed tomography


Title: AI applications in ovarian cancer computed tomography

Abstract: Imaging is one of the main pillars of clinical protocols for cancer care that provides essential non-invasive biomarkers for detection, diagnosis and response assessment. The development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools have proven potential to transform the analysis of radiological images, by significantly reducing processing time, by increasing the reproducibility of measurements and by improving the sensitivity of tumour detection compared to the standard visual interpretation, leading to cancer early detection. In this talk, I will discuss the studies that we have carried out in our group to develop Deep Learning-based and Machine Learning-based tools, and to incorporate them into the clinical research setting.

Speaker: Lorena Escudero Sánchez, University of Cambridge

Biography: Dr Lorena Escudero Sánchez is a particle physicist, with a PhD in neutrino physics, who has worked in major large international collaborations for the neutrino oscillation experiments T2K (Japan), MicroBooNE (US) and DUNE (US). Since 2019 she works on AI applications to radiological image analysis for cancer research at the Department of Radiology of the University of Cambridge and CRUK Cambridge Centre. Her research interests focus on Deep Learning-based algorithms for automatic segmentation of tumours, Machine Learning-based methods for treatment response prediction and disease prognosis, with a particular interest in assessing the robustness and reproducibility of image-based biomarkers for integration into the clinical setting, and other novel advanced image analysis methodologies. She has also been part of the Repository team of the National Cancer Imaging Translational Award (NCITA) consortium across different UK institutions. As a Senior Research Associate at the Department of Radiology in Cambridge, she leads the Radiogenomics and Quantitative Image Analysis group. She has been a Turing Fellow of The Alan Turing Institute, the UK national centre for AI and Data Science, a Borysiewicz Interdisciplinary Fellow of the University of Cambridge, and now a Bye-Fellow of Queens’ College Cambridge. And, aside, she is an internationally published author of microfiction. 

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