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Our network of Sustainability Champions work on campus and in our residences to make King’s a more sustainable place.

They focus maximising the positive – while reducing the negative – social and environmental impacts of our operations and activities.

Throughout the year, King’s Sustainability Champions deliver projects and complete actions mapped against the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Teams work towards achieving either Climate & Sustainability Foundation, Bronze, Silver or Gold across three broad areas – offices, laboratories (both teaching and research labs) and halls of residences.  

In 2024, 59 teams were awarded:

  • 36 Gold awards
  • 10 Silver awards
  • 12 Bronze awards
  • 1 Foundation award

The programme empowers staff to make positive and sustainable changes to their work environments, while providing staff development opportunities and wellbeing benefits.

Sign up to become a Staff Sustainability Champion

Contact us

Get in touch if you would like to learn more about becoming a Sustainability Champion at King's or want to join the network.

Pathways you can take


Find out about King's LEAF pathway

Benefits of being a sustainability champion

Alongside helping King's to become a more sustainable place, being a Sustainability Champion is a great professional development opportunity. Offering resources and workshops to improve your knowledge on sustainability throughout the year, you'll also learn how to build sustainable decision-making into your role at King's. The programme provides an opportunity to meet staff in different departments and work together to make sustainable changes. You and your team will be invited to the Sustainability Awards ceremony in July to celebrate your progress and receive recognition for your work.

Information about joining the Sustainability Champions


Timeline for the Sustainability Champions programme

Student auditing opportunity

Kings Students Aug 2022-1072

We will be recruiting student auditing volunteers in Spring 2025. Keep an eye on this space for more information about how to apply.

More about King's Climate & Sustainability

Get involved

Learn more about how you can join in and take action