Estates & Facilities
About us
The Directorate of Estates & Facilities has a broad portfolio with a vast range of expertise and skills, operating and maintaining facilities and providing services to ensure King’s remains one of the world’s top universities.
We ensure that our students and staff, and their experience at King’s are at the heart of every decision we make and everything we do. We work to maintain a safe, sustainable and inclusive environment for our students, staff and visitors.
Our campuses house a diversity of spaces, including teaching and learning environments, cutting edge research facilities, two chapels and several multi-faith rooms, cafés and restaurants, fitness centres and student residences.
Heads of Service
The Estates & Facilities Management team has a broad portfolio of responsibilities which range from security and daily cleaning and mail services, to small building projects and creating and sustaining a safe and healthy environment for our students, staff and visitors.
Contact us
Estates & Facilities King's College London 5-11 Lavington Street London, SE1 0NZ For non-emergencies or for emergency maintenance issues between 08.30 and 17.30 Monday to Friday please contact:
If you have a King's account you can visit our internal pages for more information on the Directorate, our projects and the services we provide.