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Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee

The Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee is a Standing Committee of the Council and is responsible to Council for reviewing and assuring the effectiveness of the university’s internal control systems and the risk management process, as well as ensuring that satisfactory arrangements are in place to promote economy, efficiency and effectiveness.

It also ensures the university’s compliance with all relevant legislation and/or standards emanating from statutory, regulatory or funding agencies to include health, safety and environmental protection and equalities legislation.


Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee
Composition2023-2024 Membership

Chair (The Chair must be an Independent Member of the Council)

Paul Cartwright


Other independent Member(s):

Julienne Daglish

Waseem Malik

Yolande Young

Staff Member(s): Dr Aleksander Ivetic

Student Member: Julie Moonga

Non-Members In Attendance

Steve Weiner, Honorary Treasurer

Professor Shitij Kapur, Vice-Chancellor & President

Steve Large, Senior Vice President (Operations)

Malcolm Ace, Vice-President (Finance)

Labhchandra Vekaria, Director of Financial Operations

Dr Sinéad Critchley, University Secretary & Director of Assurance

TBD - Director of Strategy, Planning & Analytics

KPMG, external auditors