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Mental Health Awareness Week

Students socialising

This Mental Health Awareness Week (MHAW), discover tips for maintaining wellbeing and explore campus activities to boost your mental health. With the added pressure of exams, it's really important to look after yourself.

This year's theme for MHAW is Movement: Moving more for our mental health. We recognise movement may not be possible for everyone with varying abilities and circumstances, so we have included a range of resources that could still be beneficial.

Take a read of the range of tips and guidance, as well as what’s on around campus to help boost your wellbeing.

Look after your health

Balancing study commitments with your mental and physical wellbeing is crucial at any point during the year.

Aim to prioritise a well-balanced diet as well as hydration to fuel your body and mind. Consider preparing meals in advance to ensure you maintain a healthy diet even when time is scarce.

Sleep is just as important, so try and aim for seven to nine hours’ sleep each night as NHS recommended guidance to perform at your best.

Remember to move - try and take short exercise breaks to recharge. Whether it’s a short brisk walk, a run around the block or a swimming session, any form of physical activity can contribute to a reduction in stress and enhanced concentration.

King's Sport & Wellness Centre offers free wellness sessions and there is free access to on-demand wellness content, like yoga and guided meditation, through the Les Mills Keats page.

Stay connected with friends and family - scheduling in regular breaks and staying connected can help to boost your mood. If you are studying, this can enable you to come back to your studies feeling more refreshed.

The King’s Way to Wellbeing can help you reflect on ways to look after your overall wellbeing.

Get in touch with the Faculty Wellbeing Advisors

The Faculty Wellbeing Advisors are here to support your wellbeing needs throughout your time at King's. The team works closely with your faculty, KCLSU and King’s support services to ensure you have what you need to succeed while studying at King’s.

You can book a one-to-one appointment to get tailored support for your needs. Find out more about the Faculty Wellbeing Advisors and how to contact them.

Prepare for assessments to help alleviate stress

If you are going to be undertaking an exam or some form of assessment, you may be wondering what available support there is, but also considering the logistics of getting there on the day. Read this article which covers essential information on preparing for an assessment at King’s.

If you are travelling to the ExCeL London for your exam, you can read our guide to travelling to the ExCel for all the information you may need. Alternatively, if you are heading to campus for an exam, refer to this guidance.

Additionally, ensure that practical details, such as organising stationery and identifying acceptable items to bring into the exam hall are taken care of. Having these preparations in place will alleviate one less concern on the day of your exam.

What’s on

Wear It Green Day - wear green this Thursday 16 May during Mental Health Awareness Week. By wearing green, you can show your support for efforts promoting good mental health and wellbeing.

Take Time Out - Take Time Out, organised by KCLSU, is happening during the exam period to provide you with a chance to unwind and boost your wellbeing.

Visit the KCLSU events page to discover the range of events taking place, including crafts, mini massages, yoga and more.


What other support and resources are available?

  • Find out more about the wellbeing support available at King’s on Student Services Online
  • KCLSU’s Wellbeing Hub has a range of resources to help boost your wellbeing
  • Togetherall is a safe, online space where you can share your feelings and complete self-help courses on topics like improving your sleep or managing stress and worry