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Maternal & Child Immunology and Allergy

The immune system is the key gatekeeper of health in the context of multiple environmental exposures throughout the life course, since birth, and even before birth.

In utero exposures, maternal immunological status, and the first 1000 days of life impact on child immunological development.

Allergen exposure in infancy can influence the risk of developing allergic disease.

The Maternal and Child Immunology and Allergy Theme is actively working on several research priority areas to:

  • Determine how the maternal immune system can be used to predict pregnancy outcome
  • Understand the regulation the immune responses in the maternal-fetal interface and influence on pregnancy success
  • Explore how exposures during pregnancy influence fetal development and risk of childhood auto-immunity and type 1 diabetes
  • Define the immunological development of preterm babies
  • Determine how probiotic supplementation to breast feeding infants born by Caesarean section can improve gut health
  • Determine the accuracy of novel diagnostic tests for food allergy and implement them in clinical practice
  • Assess the effect of early introduction of allergenic foods and proactive treatment of eczema in prevention of food allergy
  • Identify new targets for treatment of food allergy through research of allergen-specific immune responses in IgE-sensitised but tolerant children
  • Explore the immunological basis of anxiety in food allergic children and adolescents

Our Research Groups

Shangaris Group

Shangaris Group

Our lab is dedicated to exploring and advancing prenatal therapy and pregnancy immunology.

Tribe Lab

Tribe Lab

Our combined clinical and scientific research strategy focuses on understanding the physiological…

Santos Group

Santos Group

The Santos Group is led by Professor Alexandra Santos.and leads a research programme on food…