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Healthy Pregnancy, Fetal Medicine, and Hypertensive Disorders


There is a pathway of discovery, evaluation, and implementation in several areas related to ensuring a health pregnancy:

  • Prediction of pre-eclampsia and other adverse pregnancy outcomes through personalised, multivariable modelling, including ground-breaking work incorporating angiogenic markers;
  • Prevention of pre-eclampsia through clinical trials;
  • Pioneering work on use of angiogenic markers for time-of-disease assessment of women suspected of having pre-eclampsia and implementation of those markers in the NHS;
  • Prediction of complications in pre-eclampsia and postpartum haemorrhage;
  • Management of complications, including antihypertensive management and timing of birth.

Group members are active in dissemination of research findings through national (e.g., NICE, RCOG) and international (e.g., ISSHP, FIGO) guidelines.

Our Research Groups

Shangaris Group

Shangaris Group

Our lab is dedicated to exploring and advancing prenatal therapy and pregnancy immunology.

Tribe Lab

Tribe Lab

Our combined clinical and scientific research strategy focuses on understanding the physiological…

Our People