A major research theme of the TIR group is ‘vascular inflammation’, focusing on cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in immune responses relevant to transplants. One strand involves coagulation proteases, such as thrombin, and the critical roles they play in inflammation, including atherosclerosis. The same pathways are involved in arteriosclerosis and tissue fibrosis. Clinically, we focus on studying T and B cells in HLA-sensitised patients awaiting transplantation or with chronic rejection.
We run the large UK RCT OuTSMART, and in 2020 will begin a new MRC-funded phase 2 study to define whether Treg therapy can suppress memory responses to HLA.
Our Partners

National Institute for Health and Care Research (UK aid)
Contact us
We are based at King's College London, Guy's Campus, Great Maze Pond, London SE1 9RT.