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Review of Occupational Health (OH) and well-being service provision for the South London Local Authorities’ employees

Final report

Semkina, A., Manthorpe, J., Elaswarapu, R., & Norrie, C. (2025) Wellbeing and Occupational Health services in South London Local Authorities: a post Covid-19 review, London: NIHR Applied Research Collaboration South London; NIHR Policy Research Unit in Health and Social Care Workforce, The Policy Institute, King's College London.


High sickness absence rates among social care workforce in English Local Authorities (LAs) remain a challenge. For instance, in 2023, the mean number of sickness days for this workforce in LAs was 10.7, which is 5 days more than the latest UK employment average (ONS, 2023).

This situation can be improved through the involvement of Occupational Health (OH) and well-being services, which play an important role in supporting employee health and well-being at work and facilitating faster return to work after an illness.


In this study we aim to explore the OH and well-being service arrangements available to the employees of the LAs in South London.


Document analysis of relevant organisational websites and records.




NIHR Applied Research Collaboration South London


Findings will be shared with LAs involved and other interested stakeholders.


A journal article and/or a report will be produced as part of this study.

See also

Exploring the awareness and attractiveness of Occupational Health (OH) careers: perspectives of trainee doctors, nurses, OH trainees, OH career leavers