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Impact assessment and climate adaptation: Age UK Lambeth​

Older people are some of the most overlooked in society, with specific needs and limited protection from issues such as the impact of climate change. Local charities have a deep understanding of resident needs and are well placed to provide both personalised support and community services. However, assessing and communicating impact are not always straightforward.

This project seeks to help local charity Age UK Lambeth and their network of associated charities and collaborators better communicate services and their impact to residents and funders to increase engagement.

The project team will collaborate to develop a value-based impact assessment framework aimed at the older population, which will include a cost-benefit analysis of social return on investment. A key area of focus will be on how communications can support and create climate resilience in aging populations, and how charities can measure this future-facing climate adaption impact.

"This funding allows us to reach out to charities like Age UK Lambeth, and to bring our expertise to work on issues that are important to the older age community. We are excited to embark on this meaningful journey." - Fatima Wang, Senior Lecturer in Marketing, King's Business School

"I am looking forward to working with King's to understand the impact of our work with our partners. The project coincides with the commissioning of our core contract with Lambeth Council and our new five year plan. With Lambeth's over-60 population expected to grow 30% by 2032 and greater focus on prevention, I cannot overstate the importance of understanding where we make the biggest difference to our vulnerable residents' lives. The results of the project will enable us to focus our efforts in the most appropriate areas and validate the work of our staff and volunteers to our stakeholders." - Paul Coles, Chief Executive, Age UK Lambeth

Partners and Collaborators

A network of multidisciplinary partners from across and beyond King's are working together to maximise impact.

Find out more about the project partners:


Core aims of the project include:

  • Organising, analysing and categorising Age UK Lambeth’s currently dispersed data as an initial step to developing a fully-fledged data visualization tool.
  • Using data visualisation to demonstrate that the actions of Age UK are improving the life opportunities of its elderly community affected by climate impacts to funders and partners.
  • Using participatory research to highlight the voice of service users and allow older people to provide insights on the kind of communication that would best engage their own age group in Age UK services and increase awareness on climate adaptation.
  • Sharing lessons learnt more widely to influence policy debates on age-related social policy.


This project is supported by the One King’s Impact Fund.

The One King's Impact Fund is part of One King’s Impact, King’s strategic programme to support and accelerate work within and beyond the University which creates positive change for people, planet and society.

Impact assessment and climate adaptation: Age UK Lambeth​ responds to the following Impact Priorities:

A thriving and sustainable planet | Advancing equality and social mobility | Technology for good 

Project status: Ongoing



Funding Body: One King’s Impact Fund

Amount: £34,726.40

Period: August 2024 - August 2025