
Better End of Life Project
To understand the outcomes and experiences of people affected by death, dying, and bereavement in the UK by generating, retrieving, and synthesising evidence, and to frame this evidence in a format that compels policy-makers to take action.
This project has three workstreams which include, a cross-sectional survey of bereaved relatives and carers in the UK, mapping available care and services to identify inequalities and gaps and analysis of routinely collected data.
- Our policy mapping analysis was used as supporting evidence for the Health and Care Bill.
- The Better End of Life Report July 2022 was cited in the POST note on palliative and end of life care.
Our Partners
University of Cambridge

Hull York Medical School (University of Hull)
Project status: Ongoing
Principal Investigator
Funding Body: Marie Curie
Amount: £620,953.86
Period: January 2021 - December 2023