King's eTendering (KeT) system
From this page, you can link directly to the King's eTendering (KeT) system but prospective suppliers must ensure that they are familiar with the conditions of using the system before expressing interest in any contracts posted in the KeT.
If this is the first time you have visited this site, there is a section providing guidance in the form of a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation at the bottom of this page.
Conditions for using the KeT system
- King’s College London will only accept documents for tenders or quotations placed on its e-tendering system to be received electronically unless explicitly stated otherwise in the tenderer’s instructions.
- A tender lodged electronically is deemed for all purposes to be the true and legal version, in writing, duly authorised and duly executed by the Tenderer and intended to have binding legal effect. Electronic signatures are unnecessary due to the security built into the system.
- Tenders submitted via the Electronic Tendering System must be received in full prior to the closing time.
- If tenderers use the correspondence facility within the electronic Tendering System, they must ensure that all correspondance is associated with the correct project. King's College London accepts no responsibility for lost correspondence that is not associated with a project.
- If the electronic files submitted for the tender are corrupt, contain a virus or are unreadable for any reason, the tender will not be considered.
- Immediately prior to submitting a tender electronically the tenderer must check the electronic files making up the tender for viruses using fully current virus checking software and must remove all viruses from the files.
- King’s College London accepts no responsibility for you misunderstanding instructions or incorrect use of the system.
- Tenderer’s acknowledge and accept, in respect of electronically transmitted tenders, that:
- The transmission of large electronic files may take time and as such they must allow sufficient time to fully transmit all files prior to the closing time
- King’s College London shall not be liable or responsible for the loss, damage, destruction or corruption of any tender, however caused
- Faults with the tenderer's systems/servers are not the responsibility of King’s College London and no extension to the closing time will be made
- The Server Clock displayed within the e-tendering system shall govern the time