Professor Toby Prevost BSc, MSc, PhD
Nightingale-Saunders Chair of Complex Clinical Trials and Statistics
- Director of Nightingale-Saunders Clinical Trials & Epidemiology Unit @ King’s Clinical Trials Unit
Toby Prevost is Director of the Nightingale-Saunders Clinical Trials and Epidemiology Unit, a specialist section of the King's Clinical Trials Unit (CTU) within the Faculty. The Unit collaborates in designing, enabling and undertaking clinical trials with a focus on the Faculty. Toby was previously (2016-2020) a Professor of Clinical Trials and Medical Statistics in the Imperial CTU and a Visiting Professor at Imperial (2020-2023). He first worked in London as a Reader (2009) and then promoted (2012) to Professor of Medical Statistics in the Dept of Public Health Sciences at King's College London. Before this, he was a Senior Medical Statistician in the Dept of Public Health and Primary Care at the University of Cambridge and Senior Research Scientist in the Cambridge MRC Biostatistics Unit, and a Senior Visiting Fellow at Cambridge (2020-2023). He has served on NICE Public Health Advisory Committees (2008-2020), the NIHR Public Health Research Funding Committee (2014-2020) and the NIHR Covid-19 Recovery and Learning Funding Committee (2020).
In terms of trials (behavioural and clinical), this is a selection of the trials that he has been part of from the co-applicant stage through to publication.
Research interests:
- Optimising the contribution of statistics within clinical trials and more general medical research
- Trial Design
Enquiring about potential PhD supervision
If you’re thinking of applying for one of our PhD programmes and are looking for potential supervisors, please email nmpc_pgr_enquiries@kcl.ac.uk listing the names of the supervisors you’ve identified as having expertise in your chosen area, along with your CV and a short research proposal.
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Research profile

Global Health and Palliative Care
NIHR Global Health Research Group on Global Health and Palliative Care (GHAP): expanding access
Project status: Ongoing

Improving maternity and neonatal care in England: a formative evaluation of the implementation of the Core Competency Framework to improve multi-professional practice
The CORE Study explores and enhances the implementation and impact of multi-professional maternity and neonatal training in England to reduce variation in care.
Project status: Starting

Global Health and Palliative Care
NIHR Global Health Research Group on Global Health and Palliative Care (GHAP): expanding access
Project status: Ongoing

Improving maternity and neonatal care in England: a formative evaluation of the implementation of the Core Competency Framework to improve multi-professional practice
The CORE Study explores and enhances the implementation and impact of multi-professional maternity and neonatal training in England to reduce variation in care.
Project status: Starting