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Tim Würfel

Dr Tim Würfel

Research Associate

Research interests

  • Mathematics

Contact details


Tim Würfel holds an MSc in Mathematical and Theoretical Physics from Bielefeld University (2017). He also received a PhD in Mathematical Physics (2021) with a thesis titled “Characteristic polynomials and their role in an effective theory of strong interactions”. While in Bielefeld, he mainly collaborated with Gernot Akemann, Mario Kieburg and Eugene Strahov on the application of random matrices in strong interacting quantum field theories. He joined King's Mathematics Department as a Research Associate in July 2021, working with Professor Yan Fyodorov.


Research Interests

Random matrices and their application to

  • Quantum chromodynamics and Lattice gauge theory
  • Statistical Mechanics of Disordered Systems
  • Quantum Chaos and Scattering
  • Random Landscapes and Fields
  • Anderson Localisation


Further Information

Research profile and publications



    FEATURE Graph Equations
    Disordered Systems

    The Disordered Systems group at King's is at the forefront of research in statistical mechanics of disordered and complex systems.


      FEATURE Graph Equations
      Disordered Systems

      The Disordered Systems group at King's is at the forefront of research in statistical mechanics of disordered and complex systems.