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Síofra Peeren

Dr Síofra Peeren

Research Associate


Síofra is a survivor and post-doctoral researcher working on a project about pathways to support for trauma. She completed a BA and MA in Applied Psychology at University College Cork in Ireland before joining King’s College London in 2018 to begin her PhD. Prior to this, she worked on the National Rape Crisis Helpline, providing trauma-informed support to survivors of sexual violence.

Her research focuses on improving health care responses to violence, trauma and abuse and completed an ESRC-funded PhD exploring perinatal care experiences among survivors of sexual violence in adulthood. Síofra is also passionate about using creative and artistic ways to conduct research and maximise research impact.

Síofra has led seminars for the Women’s Mental Health BSc Psychology module at King’s College London. Síofra also worked as an associate lecturer at Birkbeck University of London. for 3 years, leading the ‘Developing Child: A Social Perspective’ module for the BA Psychology for Education.


Research Interests 

  • Trauma-informed approaches
  • Survivor-led research
  • Health systems responses to violence, trauma and abuse


Midwifery & Maternal Health

The Midwifery & Maternal Health Research Group is developing a programme of high-quality research to foster improvements to the delivery, outcomes and experiences of maternity care services.


Midwifery & Maternal Health

The Midwifery & Maternal Health Research Group is developing a programme of high-quality research to foster improvements to the delivery, outcomes and experiences of maternity care services.