Sinuhé is a PhD student in the Novel Nanophotonic Phenomena's Group led by Dr. Francisco J. Rodríguez-Fortuño. He graduated in Physics and Mathematics from the University of Oviedo (Spain) where he was also a Computational Assistant. He has participated in several scientific olympiads, acted as a young researcher for CEULAJ & ICMAT (CSIC), and participated in the European Exposcience. His research focuses in near-field and topological photonics systems.
Thesis title
Topological & Polarization Phenomena in Near-Field Photonics
Research Interests
- Complex Polarisation and Evanescent Waves
- Topological Photonics & Vortex Beams
- Light control via Spin-momentum locking
- Skyrmions in Plasmonics & Micromagnetism
- Algebraic Number Theory (OPN Conjeture)
PhD supervision
PhD supervisor: Dr Francisco Rodríguez Fortuño
Further details
Photonics & Nanotechnology
The research in the group involves the development and applications of advanced photonic technologies and of novel nanomaterials to address modern challenges in photonic and quantum technologies, new nanostructured materials, sensing, imaging and clean energy.
Photonics & Nanotechnology
The research in the group involves the development and applications of advanced photonic technologies and of novel nanomaterials to address modern challenges in photonic and quantum technologies, new nanostructured materials, sensing, imaging and clean energy.