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Samantha Callaghan

Samantha Callaghan

Research Software Analyst

  • King's Digital Lab



Global Digital Cultures Research Group

do local practices of engagement with the digital circulate regionally and around the world, and how do they change during their travels? These are some of the questions that we ask in the Global Digital Cultures Research Group, approaching them from different disciplinary and methodological traditions, and focusing on different countries and regions, but also on global phenomena and their local articulations.

iREAL: Inclusive Requirements Elicitation for AI in Libraries to Support Respectful Management of Indigenous Knowledges

iREAL will develop a model for responsible AI systems development in libraries seeking to include knowledge from Indigenous communities.

Project status: Ongoing


Global Digital Cultures Research Group

do local practices of engagement with the digital circulate regionally and around the world, and how do they change during their travels? These are some of the questions that we ask in the Global Digital Cultures Research Group, approaching them from different disciplinary and methodological traditions, and focusing on different countries and regions, but also on global phenomena and their local articulations.

iREAL: Inclusive Requirements Elicitation for AI in Libraries to Support Respectful Management of Indigenous Knowledges

iREAL will develop a model for responsible AI systems development in libraries seeking to include knowledge from Indigenous communities.

Project status: Ongoing