Rebecca Pinto
Post-doc Researchers
- PD-MIND Clinical Trial Manager
In the last 5 years I have managed the epidemiological SHAPED study at the department of Old Age Psychiatry. This was a UK-based multi-centre study, looking at the impact of visual hallucinations in eye disease, dementia and Parkinson’s disease. I am now managing an international clinical trial of a new drug to treat cognitive impairment in Parkinson’s disease.
In my first year as a Post-Doc, I used the nationally representative Swedish Twin Registers to analyse the etiology of tic-related disorders across the lifespan.
- My Phd at King’s College London’s Social, Genetic, Developmental Psychiatry Centre was funded by a 4-year UK Medical Research Council Studentship and brought together multiple disciplines across psychiatry, psychology, neuroscience, statistical genetics, epidemiology and experimental and clinical research, to advance understanding of the mechanisms underlying neurodevelopmental disorders and therapeutic interventions.
- In my first research post at King’s College London, I explored ethnic differences in key measurable aspects of psychosis, particularly primary care management, using Lambeth DataNet, a unique database containing anonymized electronic medical records of over 200,000 patients.
Research Interests
- Parkinson’s disease
- Quantitative Genetics