Paula Sawyer
Institute Business Manager
Paula joined the Policy Institute in March 2023 as the Institute Business Manager, providing financial, HR, estates, Health & Safety and other senior business service management and support to the Policy Institute.
Paula joined the Policy Institute from the Research Management & Innovation Directorate at King’s, where she led the professional services support and operations of several large scale doctoral training programmes funded by UKRI including: the MRC Doctoral Training Partnership, the UKRI Safe and Trusted Artificial Intelligence CDT, and the ESRC-funded London Interdisciplinary Doctoral Training Partnership (LISS DTP). Prior to working in the doctoral training space, Paula worked in Widening Participation for King’s and Birkbeck, University of London.
Paula holds a BSc in Psychology from the University of Nottingham and is Deputy Chair of the Women in Leadership Committee for the Research Management & Innovation Directorate at King’s.