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Omar Kaykhusraw

Omar Kaykhusraw

PhD Student in Economics

Research interests

  • Economics


Project Title: Essays in Empirical Macroeconomics

Supervisors: Professor Georgios Chortareas, Professor George Kapetanios

Year of Entry: 2019, Full-time

Personal Website

Omar Kaykhusraw is a PhD candidate in Economics at King's Business School.

He read Philosophy, Politics and Economics at the University of London and Economics at the University of Cambridge prior to commencing his PhD in Economics at King’s College London. Omar has received multiple awards including the Ede & Ravenscroft prize and has extensive teaching and research experience.

His research interests lie primarily in macroeconomics and his thesis concerns various aspects of the natural rate of interest. Omar is the lead GTA for the MSc paper in Macroeconomics at King’s Business School and is a researcher in the Data Analytics for Finance and Macro group.


dafm event series - thumbnail image
Data Analytics for Finance and Macro

Forecasting trends is more important now than it has ever been. Our quantitative financial and macroeconomic research helps central banks and statistical agencies better understand their markets.


dafm event series - thumbnail image
Data Analytics for Finance and Macro

Forecasting trends is more important now than it has ever been. Our quantitative financial and macroeconomic research helps central banks and statistical agencies better understand their markets.