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Michael Spratling

Dr Michael Spratling

Reader in Computational Neuroscience and Visual Cognition

Research interests

  • Computer science
  • Neuroscience


Research Interests

  • Visual perception and object recognition
  • Computational and cognitive neuroscience
  • Biologically inspired neural computation
  • Computer vision
  • Machine learning and pattern recognition 

More Information


    DAFM - modelling with big data - main image
    Algorithms and Data Analysis

    The group develops algorithmic solutions and concrete implementations for various applications.

    FEATURE Network
    Machine Learning

    The Machine Learning consolidates a broad range of research activities that are related to machine learning.


      DAFM - modelling with big data - main image
      Algorithms and Data Analysis

      The group develops algorithmic solutions and concrete implementations for various applications.

      FEATURE Network
      Machine Learning

      The Machine Learning consolidates a broad range of research activities that are related to machine learning.