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Marcos Valle Machado da Silva

Dr Marcos Valle Machado da Silva

Visiting Professor

Research interests

  • Conflict
  • Security

Contact details


Dr Marcos Valle Machado da Silva is a professor at the Brazilian Naval War College (BNWC). He holds a bachelor’s degree in Naval Sciences from Brazilian Naval Academy, a Master´s Degree in International Relations from Rio de Janeiro State University (UERJ), a Master`s Degree in Strategic Studies and a Doctor’s Degree in Political Science from Fluminense Federal University (UFF), Rio de Janeiro.

He teaches at the Postgraduate Programme on Maritime Studies at the BNWC. He is also affiliated with the Center for Political and Strategic Studies of the Navy (CEPE-MB). As a Commander (Retd.), he has professional experience in Defence, Strategy and Operational Planning. He was an instructor at the Wargaming Centre at BNWC.

Since last year, Marcos has been engaged in a Research Project entitled The Conventional Nuclear-Powered Submarine (CNPS) Program and the IAEA safeguards. The project is supported by the Brazilian Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior – CAPES), Project PROCAD-DEF20191325566P.

As part of the KCL-BNWC partnership, Marcos is now a Visiting Professor jointly with the Centre for Science and Security Studies (CSSS) and Brazil Institute, in the Department of War Studies within the Faculty of Social Science and Public Policy at King's College London.


  • Arms control, nuclear disarmament and nonproliferation of nuclear weapons.
  • Regional and Maritime Security in South Atlantic.

Marcos’ current research addresses the safeguards applied in nuclear-powered submarines developed by a Non-Nuclear-Weapon State (NNWS).


Book chapter


Disciplines at the Postgraduate Programme in Maritime Studies:

  • Maritime Studies - Special Topics: Nuclear Issues.
  • Maritime Studies - Special Topics:: International Atomic Energy Agency Safeguards and the Brazilian Conventional Nuclear-powered Submarine Program.