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Luiz Felipe Dias Rangel Kling

Luiz Felipe Dias Rangel Kling

PhD student

Contact details


Luiz Felipe Kling is a PhD student in the Department of International Development. He started his PhD in September 2015 and holds a scholarship from CNPq, the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development.

He completed a master's degree in Business Administration from (FGV/EBAPE) and a bachelor’s degree in International Relations from Ibmec in Brazil. 


Thesis title: 'The road to success and the barriers stopping firms at survival'

His research explores firm success in emerging economies with a focus on Brazil, providing a bridge between the business strategy and political economy literature. He is also interested in the broader discussion about economic development and the role of the government in the promotion of economic competitiveness. 

PhD supervision

Further details

See Luiz Felipe's research profile


Political Economy & Institutions research group

Dissecting the problems of change, particularly looking at how societies face the challenge of becoming richer and more democratic.


Political Economy & Institutions research group

Dissecting the problems of change, particularly looking at how societies face the challenge of becoming richer and more democratic.