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Luc Moreau

Professor Luc Moreau

Head of Department of Informatics

  • Professor of Computer Science
  • Editorial Board Member for PeerJ Computer Science

Research interests

  • Computer science


Luc Moreau is a Professor of Computer Science and Head of the department of Informatics, at King's College London. Before joining King's, Luc was Head of the Web and Internet Science, in the department of Electronics and Computer Science, at the University of Southampton.

Luc was co-chair of the W3C Provenance Working Group, which resulted in four W3C Recommendations and nine W3C Notes, specifying PROV, a conceptual data model for provenance the Web, and its serializations in various Web languages. Previously, he initiated the successful Provenance Challenge series, which saw the involvement of over 20 institutions investigating provenance inter-operability in 3 successive challenges, and which resulted in the specification of the community Open Provenance Model (OPM). Before that, he led the development of provenance technology in the FP6 Provenance project and the Provenance Aware Service Oriented Architecture (PASOA) project.

He is on the editorial board of "PeerJ Computer Science" and previously he was editor-in-chief of the journal "Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience" and on the editorial board of "ACM Transactions on Internet Technology".

Research Interests

  • Data Provenance
  • Distributed Systems
  • Service Oriented Architectures
  • Distributed Algorithms
  • Formal Proof of Algorithms

More Information



    The group studies design, modelling, analysis, verification and testing of networks and systems.

    King's Cybersecurity Centre

    King's Cybersecurity Centre is an EPSRC-NCSC Academic Centre of Excellence in Cyber Security Research (ACE-CSR). It provides expertise on most areas of cyber security, it has a critical mass of researchers working on three main research themes and their interrelationship.

    FEATURE Network
    Machine Learning

    The Machine Learning consolidates a broad range of research activities that are related to machine learning.

    THUMB PAGE Security Cameras
    Security (Informatics)

    The Security Hub consolidates the research related to security


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    Cracking the black box

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    Text reading 'what was the provenance of the decision?'

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    Building trust in Autonomous Systems

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    Athena Swan Bronze Award logo

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    Her Majesty The Queen opens Bush House


    29MayInformatics flagship event-rectangle

    Informatics Annual Lecture: 30+ years modelling communicating systems

    Join us for the Informatics Annual Lecture: Inspiring excellence in computer science with guest speaker Professor Dame Muffy Calder.

    Please note: this event has passed.

    22MaySustainability forest data digital AI 780x440

    Sustainability opportunities and challenges of AI

    An insightful panel discussion on the connections between sustainability and artificial intelligence.

    Please note: this event has passed.

    10Jun780x440 Iinformatics Research Showcase web image v2

    Informatics Research Showcase 2024: Discover how to innovate with us

    A showcase of the computational and interdisciplinary research carried out in King's College London's Department of Informatics.

    Please note: this event has passed.


    King's students work with Amazon Web Services to create community change

    The students showcased their digital solutions to solving some of London’s most pressing problems at an event in the spring

    AWS Feature Image

    Trustworthiness by design: Developing specifications for Autonomous Systems

    How to build explainability and verification and verifiability into the development of autonomous systems.

    Person pressing a button to drive an autonomous vehicle


    Where does data come from?

    The origin, or 'provenance' of data is important to gaining trust in policies and processes that are data driven.




      The group studies design, modelling, analysis, verification and testing of networks and systems.

      King's Cybersecurity Centre

      King's Cybersecurity Centre is an EPSRC-NCSC Academic Centre of Excellence in Cyber Security Research (ACE-CSR). It provides expertise on most areas of cyber security, it has a critical mass of researchers working on three main research themes and their interrelationship.

      FEATURE Network
      Machine Learning

      The Machine Learning consolidates a broad range of research activities that are related to machine learning.

      THUMB PAGE Security Cameras
      Security (Informatics)

      The Security Hub consolidates the research related to security


      King's scientists explore the effects of AI on human life

      Bringing the Human to the Artificial presents cutting-edge AI research at King’s.

      Bringing the Human to the Artificial

      Cracking the black box

      How King's researchers build a provenance-based system to make AI explainable.

      Text reading 'what was the provenance of the decision?'

      Explainability by design

      There are increasing calls for explainability of data-intensive applications. Such a demand for explainability stems from various reasons, such as...

      image of graph explaining application scenario and data flows

      New undergraduate courses in artificial intelligence

      The Department of Informatics announce the launch of new undergraduate courses in artificial intelligence (AI) to start in September 2023.

      Image of a computerised brain.

      Professor Nick Holliman joins King's as CUSP London Director

      Professor Nick Holliman will join the Department of Informatics in January 2022 as Professor of Computer Science and Director of the Centre for Urban Science...

      Professor Nick Holliman

      Building trust in Autonomous Systems

      King’s College London is one of the partners in a new Trustworthy Autonomous Systems hub announced by UKRI. The hub will coordinate a £33 million investment...


      Athena SWAN Bronze Award for Informatics

      The Department of Informatics is pleased to announce that it has been awarded an Athena SWAN Bronze Award. Athena SWAN is a UK charter that recognises the...

      Athena Swan Bronze Award logo

      Royal Party opens Bush House

      Her Majesty The Queen, accompanied by Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cambridge, met robotics and artificial intelligence researchers from the Department of...

      Her Majesty The Queen opens Bush House


      29MayInformatics flagship event-rectangle

      Informatics Annual Lecture: 30+ years modelling communicating systems

      Join us for the Informatics Annual Lecture: Inspiring excellence in computer science with guest speaker Professor Dame Muffy Calder.

      Please note: this event has passed.

      22MaySustainability forest data digital AI 780x440

      Sustainability opportunities and challenges of AI

      An insightful panel discussion on the connections between sustainability and artificial intelligence.

      Please note: this event has passed.

      10Jun780x440 Iinformatics Research Showcase web image v2

      Informatics Research Showcase 2024: Discover how to innovate with us

      A showcase of the computational and interdisciplinary research carried out in King's College London's Department of Informatics.

      Please note: this event has passed.


      King's students work with Amazon Web Services to create community change

      The students showcased their digital solutions to solving some of London’s most pressing problems at an event in the spring

      AWS Feature Image

      Trustworthiness by design: Developing specifications for Autonomous Systems

      How to build explainability and verification and verifiability into the development of autonomous systems.

      Person pressing a button to drive an autonomous vehicle


      Where does data come from?

      The origin, or 'provenance' of data is important to gaining trust in policies and processes that are data driven.
