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Lesley Henson

Dr Lesley Henson MBBS, MRCP, PhD

Clinical Lecturer in Palliative Medicine

  • Palliative Care Consultant

Research interests

  • Palliative care


I graduated from Guy’s, King’s and St Thomas’ School of Medicine in 2005 and completed four years of core medical training across London and the South East, before deciding to specialise in Palliative Care. My training included 12 months working with the Mulago Hospital Palliative Care team in Kampala, Uganda and 3.5 years at the Cicely Saunders Institute where I completed a PhD with my thesis exploring emergency department attendance towards the end of life by people with cancer. I currently work 3 days a week clinically as a palliative care consultant and two days a week academically as a clinical lecturer at the Cicely Saunders Institute. My research interests include the use of routinely collected population data to explore equity of access to healthcare services and measuring quality towards the end of life.

Research interests:

  • Palliative and End of Life Care Research
  • End of life Cancer Care
  • Health Services Research
  • Routine Data
  • Population Studies and Epidemiology