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Laurence Tratt

Professor Laurence Tratt

Professor of Software Development

Research interests

  • Computer science


Laurence Tratt is Professor of Software Development in the Department of Informatics at King’s College London, and is also the Shopify / Royal Academy of Engineering Research Chair in Language Engineering. His work centres around programming languages, spanning areas from optimisation to measurement to security to flexibility. His research group is known for its open-source contributions, maintaining a number of widely used libraries and utilities. Laurence maintains a widely read blog, which explains technical and research matters in an accessible manner.

Research Interests

  • Programming language design and implementation
  • Domain specific languages

PhD supervison

Public engagement

Further Information


    ARTICLE Code
    Software Systems

    The group studies design, modelling and engineering of software systems.


    Royal Academy of Engineering/Shopify Research Chair

    Professor Laurence Tratt appointed as Research Chair



      ARTICLE Code
      Software Systems

      The group studies design, modelling and engineering of software systems.


      Royal Academy of Engineering/Shopify Research Chair

      Professor Laurence Tratt appointed as Research Chair
