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Laura  Mai

Laura Mai

PhD student

Research interests

  • Law


Laura Mai is a doctoral candidate at King’s College London under the joint supervision of Dr Megan Bowman and Professor Peer Zumbansen. Her research explores the role of transnational climate governance initiatives in the implementation of the Paris Agreement. Investigating the various forms of normative ordering that occur in global climate governance today, Laura combines qualitative social-science methods with doctrinal analysis and legal theory. Beyond the climate change context, her research interests include transnational law and socio-legal studies as well as environmental and sustainability governance.

Laura holds an LLM from the University of Cambridge and is qualified to practise law as a solicitor in England and Wales. She has worked for public sector and international organisations, including the German Foreign Office and the United Nations Climate Change Secretariat. Laura is a research fellow of the Earth System Governance Network and member of the Berlin-based research platform Cluster Transformation. At King’s, Laura co-founded and convenes the interdisciplinary KCL Climate Law & Governance Reading Group, and she teaches environmental law on the LLB undergraduate programme.