I worked clinically as an Occupational Therapist with people with serious mental illness before joining KCL in 2009 as a Research Assistant and PhD student working on the REFOCUS Programme which had the aim of making mental health services more recovery-focused. I then joined CLAHRC South London in 2015 working on interventions to improve the physical health of people with psychosis.
I gained my PhD in 2015.
In 2019 I moved to the Centre for Implementation Science as part of the evaluation team for the Integrating Mental and Physical Health Systems (IMPHS) programme which aims to improve the physical health of people using mental health services.
Research Interests
- Physical health of people with psychosis
- Implementation science
- Qualitative methodology

Centre for Mental Health Policy and Evaluation
The Centre for Mental Health Policy and Evaluation is a leading international centre carrying out world-class research in the areas of evaluation and implementation of mental health initiatives. The aim of the centre is to positively influence mental health policy and practice.

Activities on inpatient wards
Investigating what makes activities desirable for service users to combat boredom on inpatient mental health wards.
Project status: Ongoing

King's Improvement Science
The KIS team are experts in the science of improving care and implementing change.
Review finds significant barriers in shift to remote mental health services during pandemic
New findings from research exploring mental health care provided by phone and video call during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Centre for Mental Health Policy and Evaluation
The Centre for Mental Health Policy and Evaluation is a leading international centre carrying out world-class research in the areas of evaluation and implementation of mental health initiatives. The aim of the centre is to positively influence mental health policy and practice.

Activities on inpatient wards
Investigating what makes activities desirable for service users to combat boredom on inpatient mental health wards.
Project status: Ongoing

King's Improvement Science
The KIS team are experts in the science of improving care and implementing change.
Review finds significant barriers in shift to remote mental health services during pandemic
New findings from research exploring mental health care provided by phone and video call during the COVID-19 pandemic.